Dog Finally Reuniting With Owner at Airport Melts Hearts: ‘Feel Complete’

A video of a dog running excitedly to his owner at an airport, after not seeing her for months, has tugged at heartstrings across the internet.

The emotional TikTok post captured the moment when Romeo the toy poodle raced enthusiastically through a large airport arrivals hall to greet his owner.

The pair were filmed sharing plenty of cuddles once they reunited, and the toy poodle’s tail could be seen wagging at lightning speed.

Dog Finally Reuniting With Owner at Airport Melts Hearts: ‘Feel Complete’
A stock image of a dog and its owner at an airport. The viral video captured the moment when Romeo the toy poodle reunited with his owner at an airport.
Getty Images

A caption across the video read: “when you feel complete when your person is back”.

“Can’t think of any other feeling beating this,” Romeo’s owner added under the post.

The red-shaded toy poodle lives with his owner and cat sibling in Amsterdam.

It’s common for dogs to form very strong attachments to their owners and siblings, and being apart from the key members of their household for any period of time can cause or trigger separation anxiety. While it wasn’t alluded to in the viral TikTok post, it’s likely, from his display of happiness, that Romeo was feeling unsettled without his owner and that he couldn’t wait to get her back.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) writes online that separation-related behavior (SRB), a form of emotional distress, occurs when a dog is left alone.

“In many cases, the behavior is a result of distress,” writes the RSPCA.

The good news is that SRB can be spotted and treated. Common signs of separation anxiety include a dog howling or barking, peeing indoors or being destructive when left alone or apart from loved ones.

The animal welfare organization recommends that dogs prone to separation anxiety be left in a stress-free environment with toys they are fond of or people they know to minimize any discomfort they may feel. Over time and with training and persistence, separation anxiety can be reversed.

What Do the Comments Say?

Since it was shared to the social media platform on May 26 by @PoodleToyRomeo, the TikTok post has been liked by over 5,000 TikTok users and viewed more than 73,000 times. Plenty of TikTokers have taken to the comments section under the post to share how moved they were by the cinematic reunion.

“That is pure joy,” one user commented.

“Absolutely beautiful,” another user added.

The TikTok post can be seen here.

Newsweek reached out to @PoodleToyRomeo for comment via Instagram and TikTok.

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