Flowers Italy Send Flowers in Italy by local florists


Flowers Italy is the best place to send flowers, gifts, and plants in Italy. We offer a wide range of products and services for you to choose from. We can send flowers, plants orchids next-day roses anywhere in Italy.

Send flowers to Italy Find the perfect gift for your loved one. Providing next-day flower delivery, send flowers in Italy using our extensive network of florists and flower shops throughout Italy.

Send flowers to be delivered internationally or locally by selecting a country below to find out more about our international shipping options:

Flowers Italy Send Flowers in Italy by local florists

Flowers Italy sends flowers, gifts, and plants anywhere in Italy next day roses in italy

Flowers are one of the most versatile gifts you can give someone. There are so many occasions for sending flowers that it could be hard to figure out what to send when you’re not sure what they would prefer or need. However, we have made finding the perfect gift simple by providing local florists and flower shops throughout Italy with our extensive network of florists and flower shops throughout Italy

Deliver Flowers in Italy

We deliver flowers, gifts, orchids, and plants anywhere in Italy.

We have been offering our services to the Italian public for over 15 years. We aim to provide you with high-quality products at competitive prices. We offer same-day delivery of fresh flowers, plants, and gifts for any occasion throughout Italy if your order is placed before 12:00 pm GMT Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays).

Send gifts to Italy

Flowers are a good way of showing your love for someone in Italy. You can send flowers and gifts to Italy, orchids plants, or even chocolates. If you want to send flowers, there are many options available:

  • Orchids – these are a must-have when it comes to sending gifts because they look beautiful and exotic. They come in all different kinds of colors so you can choose the one that matches your partner best!
  • Roses – these roses may not be as common as other types of flowers but they still have the charm that makes them stand out from other types too!
  • Plants – if what you’re looking for is something more unusual then maybe try some succulents instead. These plants have been used since ancient times because they resemble nature itself (which makes them perfect presents).

Send roses to Italy

Roses are classic flowers and can be delivered to Italy the next day. Roses come in different colors and varieties, so you can choose the one that suits your taste. They also come in various sizes so you should pick the size that fits your budget best.

You can send roses from our website or local florists in Italy if you’re looking for something original, but if you’re just looking for some fresh flowers to brighten up your home then we would suggest sending them by one of our flower delivery services!

Send orchids to Italy

Orchids are the most exotic and expensive flowers in the world. They are also the most popular, fragrant, and diverse variety of plants available to send to Italy as gifts or for yourself.

Orchids have always been an important part of Italian culture. The Romans revere these delicate blooms as symbols of purity and chastity; they were considered a gift from goddesses like Venus (Rome’s goddess of love) or Aphrodite (Greek goddess of beauty). As such, it’s not surprising that orchid plants—which grow only in warm climates—are so popular among Italians today!

Send plants to Italy

Flower Italy is a supplier of flowers, gifts, and plants to send to Italy. We offer a wide range of plants to send such as roses and orchids. If you want to send flowers or plants to an Italian friend or relative we can help!


Flowers Italy is available for next-day delivery within Italy. Our staff of experienced flower experts can help you find the perfect gift for your loved one, whether it’s in a city or a small town near you. We offer next-day delivery service throughout Italy including Milan, Rome, Naples, and Florence.

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