How To Fish In Sea of Stars (Fish Catching Guide)

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As with most cozy games, Sea of Stars includes something that many players often find joy in, fishing. However, fishing in Sea of Stars is a sort of mini-game that is entirely optional, so there is no formal requirement to do it. However, it may be worth it simply for the fact that fish can be used as an ingredient in recipes or marked as collectibles.



While progressing through the beginning of Sea of Stars, a lake with a fishing rod will be encountered. Regardless of whether Valere or Zale is the chosen protagonist, this introduction to fishing will be the same. All the available fishing lakes in Sea of Stars should be easily viewed on the map and in order to fish simply walk up and interact with the fishing lake.

There are 11 different fishing spots and a total of 23 species of fish in Sea of Stars. Different spots will have different fish, but there is no limit to how much fishing can be done and none of the fishing spots should be missed as they are in the path of natural game progression.

How To Fish

How To Fish In Sea of Stars (Fish Catching Guide)

After interacting with a fishing spot in Sea of Stars, the fishing mini-game will be initiated. While casting the line, players will need to influence the direction of the line before pressing enter to drop the line into the water. Once a fish is hooked, or before if not getting anything, the line will need to be reeled in.

Once a fish is hooked, there will be a zone indicating the “safe zone” and that players should try to stay in while pulling in the opposite direction. This is how the fish will be reeled in, but beware that pulling too hard or fast against the fish will cause the line to snap and the fish to escape. A blinking red line will indicate this is about to happen, so slack off a little.

Try to keep the fish in the ray of light that appears on the water, the light blue area, to lower the risk of the line breaking and the fish escaping.

On occasion, certain fish will attempt to jump to escape the line while being reeled in. This is the perfect opportunity to attempt to knock the fish unconscious. The only opportunity to do this is briefly while it is in the air, if the opportunity is missed, continue like normal. If the fish is knocked out, begin reeling it in quickly.

This knockout is only temporary, so beware that the fish will eventually begin pulling on the line again. Once successfully reeled in, the fish will be captured. It can then be used as mentioned previously as either a collectible or an ingredient in a recipe in Sea of Stars.

  • Sea of Stars Game Poster

    Sea of Stars

    Microsoft Windows, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5




    Adventure, RPG



    The Messenger

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