How to fish in Sea of Thieves: All fish, rarity, sale price & more

Catching fish in Sea of Thieves is far from simple, with different baits, rarities, and techniques needed to get the most out of the activity. So, here’s how to fish in Sea of Thieves.

While Sea of Thieves is certainly all about pirates and pillaging, there’s nothing quite like sitting on the side of your boat catching fish. It’s the perfect pastime during traveling and can reap some ideal rewards, especially on the food and health front.

However, it’s not always that easy to fish in this open-world game, and many players can find the activity pretty tricky. So, here’s how to fish in Sea of Thieves, as well as all the fish you can catch, their rarities, sale prices, and so much more.


How to fish in Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves fishing

To fish in Sea of Thieves, you’ll want to follow these steps:

  1. Once on the sea, equip your rod (the second page of your equipment).
  2. While your rod is equipped if you have bait, head to your equipment and attach it.
  3. Cast your line (RT for Xbox).
  4. Keep the line in the water until you get a bite.
  5. When you get a bite, begin to reel the fish in, stopping when it pulls too much.
  6. When it begins pulling, fight against it. If it’s swimming right, pull left, if it’s going forward, pull back.
  7. When the line slacks, reel the fish in again.
  8. Keep going until the fish gets close enough for you to fully reel it in and you’ve successfully caught a fish.

Fishing itself does take quite a bit of practice, so we recommend just trying it out and learning from your snapped rods. However, patience is the key here and you’ll quickly become a master angler.

All fish in Sea of Thieves, their rarity & sell prices

There are tons of fish to catch in Sea of Thieves, and each will come with a certain rarity, sell price, and desired location.

It’s important to note, that the cost has been detailed from the minimum (burnt regular fish) to the maximum available (Cooked Trophy fish).



Sea of Thieves Pondie fish




Sea of Thieves Plentifin





Sea of Thieves Wrecker fish


Best fish for reputation in Sea of Thieves

The best fish for reputation are the fish that reward the most gold. On top of this, all Trophy Fish and Cooked fish give more Reputation than the standard versions, so it’s always worth perfectly cooking your fish when you catch them.

So, using that logic, these are the best fish to increase your Hunters Call reputation:

  • All Trophy Fish
  • All cooked Rare Variant Fish
    • Raven Islehopper
    • Bone Ancientscale
    • Bonedust Plentifin
    • Muddy Wildsplash
    • Forsaken Devilfish
    • Sand Battlegill
    • Snow Wrecker
    • Shadow Stormfish

Are cooked fish worth more in Sea of Thieves?

Yes, cooked fish are worth much more in Sea of Thieves. For example, a standard cooked Stone Islehopper will reward players with 160g while an uncooked version will be 140g.

It’s not a huge jump in costs, but considering it only takes you a maximum of 90 seconds (if it’s a trophy) to cook, and doesn’t cost any resources, it’s always worth heading to your ship’s kitchen.

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