How to Fish – Sea of Stars Guide

In this Sea of Stars Guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about fishing, including how to start fishing and what you’ll have to do during the fishing mini-game.


What is Fishing?

While fishing isn’t a mandatory minigame, there are some cool things you can do with it like catching fish for various campfire recipes and potentially collectibles on your journey.

How to Fish


You’ll encounter a lake pretty quickly on journey and find a fishing pole there. To start fishing, press confirm at the edge of the dock near a fishing lake. Most fishing lakes are directly on the World Map.

  • Press confirm to cast. While airborne, you can steer the direction of the bobber with the D-Pad and confirm to drop the bobber in the water.
  • You can reel the bobber in or wait for a fish to bite. If a fish bites, press confirm and begin steering the bobber in the opposite direction of the fish while within the zone around the fish.
  • Gently reel the bobber in towards the dock but be careful when the line turns red! The line will snap if you reel the fish in too quickly.
  • If a fish jumps in the air while you’re reeling it in, press confirm to temporarily knock the fish out and being reeling it in quickly before it resumes pulling at the line. When the K.O. stars disappear above it, it will resume pulling at the line.
  • When you cast your line in the water, a light will fill the water as you are reeling the fish in. Try to keep the fish in that light. It will make it easier to reel in the fish and less likely that your line will break.

When you catch a fish, you can choose to turn it in to Fillet for Recipes, or Release it back into the water.

Up Next: How to Win Edward’s Roulette

In This Guide

Sea of Stars

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