Tears Over Cat in Shelter for 137 Days Who Hasn’t Had a Single Visitor

Hearts have shattered after hearing about a cat’s struggle to find her forever home by the Australian Animal Protection Society (AAPS).

Back in September of 2023, Red the 5-year-old cat was surrendered by her owners through no fault of her own. Her owners were moving overseas, a member of the AAPS team told Newsweek. But now, more than 137 days later, Red’s future family has yet to come forward.

A February 15 video, which was posted to the TikTok account @aaps_victoria, gives viewers an introduction to Red. The AAPS wanted to show past her wariness since she’s hesitant around new people. But beyond that, she’s a loveable cat who does not deserve to live out her years in a shelter.

“While she is a little shy at first, she’s actually fairly quick to warm up with the right approach—just being respectful and giving her space will usually lead to her coming up to you for a cuddle,” the AAPS said.

Tears Over Cat in Shelter for 137 Days Who Hasn’t Had a Single Visitor
Screenshots of a cat named Red who has been living in an Australian shelter since September. She was surrendered by her previous owners as they were moving overseas.


Just because Red is shy does not mean she shouldn’t have a shot at a forever home. And as the employees of the AAPS know, she has a whole lot of love to give.

The TikTok video shows Red enjoying some head scratches, but eventually, it becomes too much. She will let her personality come out if she’s had enough or if her boundaries aren’t respected.

Because Red is cautious about her boundaries, the AAPS said she will need to go to a home that has experience with similar cat behaviors. They want the family to be able to recognize and respect her limits.

Thankfully, there is some good news on the horizon for Red. As of February 19, the AAPS said they have confirmed a meet and greet for her. Fingers crossed that all goes well.

While saddened by how long Red has spent in the shelter, viewers are hopeful she’ll have her happy ending in no time.

“Oh, Red, you are gorgeous hun! Such a beautiful cat, you deserve the world little miss!” commented one viewer.

Another added: “Hang in there Red. Your forever home is out there!”

A third said: “Quiet and timid cats always become the best cats when given a good environment.”

As it is with all adopted animals, they will need time to adjust. Adoptive parents should know their pet will likely go through different decompression stages after being adopted. It might take them anywhere between three days to three months to fully decompress, feel comfortable, and learn the family’s routine.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.