Video Shows Man Grabbing Huge Python, Stops It From Eating His Pet Cats

Viral Press
This man in Thailand doesn’t have a cape, but he’s 100% superhero — just ask his cats, which he saved from getting devoured … by a big-ass python!!!
Check out the insane clip, recorded Tuesday in Bangkok … you can hear the kitties wailing for help as the huge snake slithered into their crate early in the morning, triggering the man to sprint outside and help.
After some trying, the guy gets a grip on the beast, saving the cats’ lives — he held the snake’s head and mouth with his bare hands … something most people wouldn’t dream of doing.
That wasn’t the end of it, though … ’cause it took a while for him to pull the lengthy reptile out of the cats’ cage. Once the crate was free of the creature, he rushed off — reportedly dumping it in a nearby bush.
Wildfire rescue teams were alerted of the massive snake, and tried tracking it down … it’s unclear if it was a successful hunt, but ya gotta imagine it wouldn’t be that hard to find something that huge. Then again, there are lots of ’em in Thailand!
We really have it good, here in the U.S. … minus the gators.